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...nak cari jugak makanan 'Special' Penang?

bagi aku Pulau Pinang macam heaven nak makan2. best gila! tapi bare in mind the price of food here is comparable to KL. first i wanted to try was 'Laksa Penang'. i dont know of any specific location just try one on random. i was there 3 days and i can only eat laksa once or twice! it seems that i did manage to locate the delicious 'Laksa Penang' the ones i had is just ok, nothing special.

next was, Pasembur! this is actually my favourite. the last day we went to Padang Kota, and in front of the Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang, (MPPP) there's a bunch of stalls there near the waterfront. this stall only sell Pasembur and Rojak. they have every ingredients for u to choose. prawns, crabs, squids, fish roe, fish cakes/balls, taufu (beancurd), cucur udang(the KEY ingredient), hotdogs, cakoi and lots more. i had 2 cucur udang, some fish balls, and fish cakes. as usual when made into Pasembur they'll add cucumber and some waterchestnut. the most inportant ingredients in Pasembur is the Cucur Udang and the gravy/kuah. to me the kuah is just nice, not too nutty and thick (like the peanut gravy for satay). the verdict... divine! the service is lightning fast! this hawkers do not waste anytime preparing the food!! got mine in no time at all!!! the stall was very clean!

Food ... 8
Protion ... 8
Service ... 9
Price ... 7
O.S. Mohd Ibrahim Pasembur and Rojak ... this is the Pasembur Penang i hoped of finding. i payed RM5 for my plate which is fair but a fellow friend of mine payed RM10 with almost identical stuffs except he took a piece of squid. to me just stick to simple key stuffs like cucur udang, fish balls/cakes, taufu and leave the prawns/squid/crabs to the tourist to buy. freshness of this seafood is an issue. but hey if u like ur seafood in the Pasembur go ahead! be warned it could significantly bump up the price of the whole dish. still everything is good... no... they arrrreee Grrrreaaat! next time in Penang i will definitely eat here again, and again, and again! hehehe...

as for Nasi Kandar, there are everywhere! from the upscale Restaurant Kayu in downtown to the Kaya Manis Restaurant franchise to the small stalls along street corners, nasi kandar is everywhere. and most of this restaurants are running non-stop 24-hours a day! nasi kandar is really heavy meal. and it is really a southern indian food i think. curry curry and more curry! everything is fried and the vegetables are just over-cooked. but hey, that is just what nasi kandar is! what i would look for when eating nasi kandar is, one the fried chicken, it has to be BIG and crispy! two, the ocra/lady's finger/bendir in the fish head curry has to be somewhat fresh, still crunchy. three, the mixture of all types of curry gravy on the rice has to blend in well, nothing too spicy, too hot (typically they do pour in a little bit of every curry they have on to the rice). four, the papodums this is KEY, it has to be FRESH, crunchy!

Food ... 5
Portion ... 6
Service ... 6
Price ... 6
Restaurant Sri Pelita 24-Jam Nasi Kandar in Bayan Baru just before the airport if u are from georgetown. nothing special about this restaurant. we picked this one because we are hungry and this is the first restaurant we saw. the food is OK. nothing here that would make come there again though. just enough to fill my tummy. nothing memorable of the nasi kandar here! i wanted some fried fish roe (telur ikan goreng) but they didn't have it there. next time i am in Penang i'll try some other place!

...visit Penang, mana pegi?

hmm... drove around the city centre, Padang Kota, Fort Cornwallis, then straight to Batu Feringghi along the famous Gurney Drive, with such high concentration of tall skinny condominiums, i felt as if i am in south beach, florida or gold coast, australia but minus the fantastic beaches! actually i drove all the way around the Penang Island. through the hills and windy roads along balik pulau area to the busy jam-packed street in georgetown! had so much fun!

went on top of Penang Hill (bukit bendera) at night. its just RM4 for the tram ride up the hill. and the view at night is just gorgeous! we try to avoid it during the day, one, too many tourist around @ noisy! two, it can be covered in fog during the day and u won't be able to see anything. three, the lights from the city, port, penang bridge is just awesome. not to be missed. we went there around 9pm and we practiacally had the whole hill to ourselves! so quiet, fresh air, beautiful penang skyline at night! all for just RM4?! its a must see... at night! great place to chill and relax!

still to me the best thing about Penang is the food. the beaches in penang i'd avoid completely. the penang hill trip is a great thing to do especially an night! and one more thing... we drove to Penang. we took the Penang bridge comming into penang and we took the Classic Yellow Penang Ferry on the way back to kl. not many people realised that it is free going OUT of Penang, either through the bridge or the ferry.

coming into Penang however u have to pay RM7 for the bridge or the ferry. i still remember the first time i was in Penang we used the ferry. i still recall the same smell and feeling on the ferry. i feel as if i was a 9 year old kid again! brings back whole loads of sweet memories...

one more place we visited was the Penang Botanical Gardens which is beautiful! its hilly unlike any lake gardens in KL. and it has a river running through it, complete with a miniature Peang Bridge where u can take pictures because u can no longer stop on the real bridge to take pictures! the lake gardens are also home for cute monkeys which can be aggressive when provoked. best to avoid from feeding them!!

...Penang highlights?
1. Classic Yellow Penang Ferry
2. Penang Hill or Bukit Bendera
3. View of Geargetown skyline from the top of Penang Hill at night
4. The Penang Botanical Gardens
5. Monkeys at the garden
6. Gurney Drive
7. Padang Kota or Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang
8. Finally, the star attraction, O.S. Mohd. Ibrahim Pasembur dan Rojak

i will be coming back to Penang next month before puasa...!

About me

  • I'm AdamIsmadi
  • From KL, Malaysia
  • 3°10'30.83"N
  • 101°43'59.24"E
  • Just a non-complicated kinda guy trying to keep it simple but can be a bit of a control freak too at times. Sometimes just like things done my way and am not afraid to speak my mind. Also somewhat of a geek when comes to technical matters.
  • adamismadi(@)gmail(.)com
My complete profile