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...lama tak update?

well aku baru2 nie stuggle with the technical side of web publishing! where to host my pictures, how to write a bit of html. well i've them long time ago, but some syntax has changed and more new features on html. all i think most of the technical difficulties has been resolved! i am very pleased. dan lately aku selalu ada problem utk post kat blogger.com ni! but maybe system or server dia kot yg problematic nothing to do on my side! one more thing, blogger.com has been bought over by google, but since then i had so much trouble logging on the update my blog!

...dgn pinggang aku skarang?

much better. or almost complete recovery. semalam main tennis. nak lepas geram sbb lama dah tngk US Open, tapi tak jugak turun court sbb belum sihat penuh lagi pinggang aku. ok la main smalam i won of course, 6-2 6-0 6-4 hmmm... straight set, not bad eh?

...US Open updates?

paradorn srichaphan(11) dah kluar kalah dgn hewitt(6). now my favourite male player is andy roddick(4). he is so playful and not too serious like agassi(1)! roddick's serve is so freaking powerful! 140mph. thats mile per hour, i think thats more than 200kph!!! outrageously fast! and he has a very zippy pair of legs he runs around the court well! and a good technical play, though as technical wise might not be as good as agassi. but agassi is like 31yo, roddick is err 22yo? so very young so much more time to improve! and he is HOT!!! sizzlingly HOTTT!!! ouuuchhh! sweet innocent smile, relaxed playful attitude... u cannot avoid from liking this guy!!!

as for backhand, i am just amaze on how justin henin-hardenne (2) does that powerful top spin single handed backhand. it is simply stunning! the best match so far for me was the jeniffer capriati(6) vs. justin henin-hardenne(2). justin won the game, 3 set, with a tie breaker in the last set. the game goes on for almost 3 hours! it was so gripping and very very emotional! the two girls played tennis to brink of complete exhaustion! justin was starting to suffer muscle cramp on the thighs. coz they are still playing at pass midnight and it can be quite cold when its in the wee hours of morning and windy! ouch... very bad for the hot overworked muscles! but she pulled through like a true champion! anyhow thats the BEST game. we were rooting for justin to win this. since the local crowd being american do support jeniffer 110% and little support for justin! so unfair! GO JUSTIN GO!!! I LOVE U, JUSTIN HENIN (p/s : too bad though she is already married! ONE HOT LITTLE LADY!!! very HOT! and has a killer backhand to match!

...dgn bad/nasty people i've dated and still want to keep in touch with me?

hmm... aku tension jugak skarang ni. ada problem pasal someone (X) i dated in the past. we dated for like 3 - 4 months. both of us had fun. but X was always up to no good. well, most of the time. yes we had loads of fun! but on the other hand X is way too wild, erratic, unpredictable, shallow, selfish and on top of that all a big big LIAR! so after some time, i decided that NO, no more! i gotto stop seeing X. so, amazingly we became freinds. so its all fine. but X still wanted to be placed in front of everyone else in my life. as if X is someone special. i'd play along for a while. but hmm...

again after some time (its not only time that i've lost, money too! a large sum of it!) i had to move away from X. so i decided not to pick up X's calls or reply sms. now X is up with a different technique, through my close friends and housemates. X still has the nerve to call them and talked about me behind my back. well... i told my buddies to just ignore X. tapi aku mmg GERAM ah! macam kudis yg tak nak sembuh! well dulu lagi aku tahu X is not for me. tapi i have to go through it myself and learn my lesson! macam mana galak org menasihatkan aku pun, kadang2 aku still ikut kan perasaan jugak. i am only human right?!

About me

  • I'm AdamIsmadi
  • From KL, Malaysia
  • 3°10'30.83"N
  • 101°43'59.24"E
  • Just a non-complicated kinda guy trying to keep it simple but can be a bit of a control freak too at times. Sometimes just like things done my way and am not afraid to speak my mind. Also somewhat of a geek when comes to technical matters.
  • adamismadi(@)gmail(.)com
My complete profile