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A Unexpected Visitor & Raya Haji?

Please refer to this previous entry of mine...
And scroll down the page at the end, there is a comment by someone who claimed to be Shareena of Red104.9!!!

this pic i took from RED's website... funky hairdo eh? cute!

Waa... if you are really Shareena, me so honoured by your royal highness brief visit to my humble blog... me not worthy... hehehhe.... Thanks! I will definitely give a full report on the Suria Resort after the trip...

Selamat Hari Raya Haji!!!

Happy Eid ul-Adha!!!

enjoy the celebration and please do drive safely!

kita sentiasa di datangi oleh seseorang yang kadang2 tak di duga!!salam aidiladha!!

Hi there, This is the first time I am reading your blog - ran into it by chance. Am wondering how you link your blog to Geoloc - that's a cool feature! :)

And do visit my blog!

Selamat Hari Raya Haji Adam.


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About me

  • I'm AdamIsmadi
  • From KL, Malaysia
  • 3°10'30.83"N
  • 101°43'59.24"E
  • Just a non-complicated kinda guy trying to keep it simple but can be a bit of a control freak too at times. Sometimes just like things done my way and am not afraid to speak my mind. Also somewhat of a geek when comes to technical matters.
  • adamismadi(@)gmail(.)com
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