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Nelayan Seafood Restaurant, Titiwangsa?

Been to this place a few times and it seems that it stayed pretty much the same. Only the price has gone up a bit during puasa period, it is now RM30 nett per person...

1. The food
a. All as expected, mostly local dishes decent choices
b. 2 types of rice, nasi kerabu and nasi minyak
c. No soup, no salad.. ohh come on, its only RM30nett!
d. Some grilled fish and chicken, I avoided
e. Some fruits and local desert
f. The steamboat is surely the star of the buffet. Took loads of prawns, crabs (though both kinda small-ish but for RM30nett cheap!) plus cuttlefish (these are great if dipped in the Yong Tau foo sauce!)
g. Tomyam soup as the steamboat stock. Not too spicy, not over powering just nice for steamboat use.
h. Mostly I concentrate on the seafood steamboat all satisfactorily fresh.
i. The only annoying thing is that they only provide those pre-packed mineral waters in cup. So not sufficient! If you want something more or something else… that’s extra. I though the whole concept of buffet is that they would include unlimited non-alcoholic beverages… well perhaps they just felt the need to make even more money.

2. The ambiance
a. Some traditional Ghazal music was played line. Soothing and entertaining.
b. I asked for more ice and the waiters were quite efficient, getting drinks but very very lazy to clear up the tables!
c. Throngs of people last night, till the amount of food is more than sufficient the do refill them often.
d. My table is in the middle of the restaurant so I could not enjoy the view of the lake. Sigh...

Hmm.. I actually paid this buffet myself and I chose to come here. To me, the RM30nett buffet/steamboat is well worth every penny spent. Still its kinda in a middle-low end of the buffet spectrum. For the price it is quite a bargain I think.

Verdict = 7.5/10


About me

  • I'm AdamIsmadi
  • From KL, Malaysia
  • 3°10'30.83"N
  • 101°43'59.24"E
  • Just a non-complicated kinda guy trying to keep it simple but can be a bit of a control freak too at times. Sometimes just like things done my way and am not afraid to speak my mind. Also somewhat of a geek when comes to technical matters.
  • adamismadi(@)gmail(.)com
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